SKRIVET: 2010-02-13, kl 23:37:18 | PUBLICERAT I: Allmänt

En liten update.

Hey guys, Sarah here!

Im really sorry for not updating in... -what- almost a week? I havent had the time or the energy until now. I came home from school 5 min ago and its soon midnight here in Sweden. My class is doing RENT (the musical) and Im so so very proud.
I came home alright, France airport was crazy as usual and they treated us like shit.. as usual.
I had 2 kg overweight in my big bag and around 4kg in my handbag. But they let me onboard anyway..
Without paying extra! (2000 yen per extra kg ). Then I lost my alien registrationcard in Narita airport after check in... Which resultet in chaos, but which worked out quite well in the end.

In sweden I forgot my passport on the airplane... and then I nearly puked when I reached the toiletts in Arlanda (airport)

Came in at 22:35.. met up with everyone at the gates at around 23:30.
My family was there, and also some of my friends.. THaNK YOU GUYS. It meant the world to me. At around midnight I was in the car on the way home..

Monday: I had to get up quite early (OH IM BACK IN MY OWN BED hihihihih) to go to the doctor for my back, and they stretched it out ad cracked and wooo.. it was NOT fun.
I also met up with another friend Who is like my little sister.

Tuseday: Slept like.. all day. Seriously. Slept and played Xbox.. OH.. I talked alot to my mother too.. and my dogs.

Wednesday: same thing as Tuesday

Thursday: I woke up at 8ish.. and went out to my grandmother who lives like.. 1 hour 40 min from me. (about 1 hour 10 min from stockholm central) Came home around 9 and then my friend came over at 10 ish. We ate alittle and then we slept.

Friday: Woke up, took out the dogs, and then after that I went to school for the first time since arriving. IVE MISSED IT soooooo bad. It really doesnt feel like Ive been away. hm...
After beeing in school and chilling, me ans some friends decided in going out to celebrate the "pre premier" of RENT. (the musical that they are doing) so we went out to a little pub. I didnt have any kind of ID.. so I showed them my japanese Pasmo and told hom I just came back. In the end he let me in when one of the guys I was with told him that he took full responisbility if I turned out to be too young.
Me Nadja Niklas and Alex went home rather early because Im still so jetlagged. But we had a good time. Nadja slept at my place.. in my tiny tiny bed lol!

Saturday: I woke up at 7:30 Nadja woke up at 11ish. We ate and then just talked.
At 2 we took out the dogs and met up with alex. Me and alex walked for 20 min or so and then I returned home.
Met up with some other friends but couldnt stay that long because me and my family was going to RENT. And that brings us back to me saying I just got home!

SO that was my week.

SKRIVET: 2010-02-08, kl 22:15:17 | PUBLICERAT I: Allmänt

Då var allt som vanligt igen..

Im Home!
Totally Happy, but oh so Jetlagged.. and Thus Im going to bed now <3

SKRIVET: 2010-02-05, kl 17:08:57 | PUBLICERAT I: Allmänt

Feb. 6, 2010

Imorgon.. eller rättare sagt om mindre än 12 timmar befinner jag mig på ett tåg mot Flygplatsen.
Jag ska där sova över en natt ( på ett hotel ) och sedan stige rjag på Flygplanet 12.30 på söndag.

Fyfan vad det känns konstigt. Hade mitt tacktal och mitt Hejdå igår i skolan, och grät inte en enda gång. Skrattade igenom hela dagen. Ni vet ett sådant där panikskratt som man brukar få medans/efter man gråter...?
Ett sådant var det iallafall.

Är inte beredd att åka hem ännu, samtidigt som jag känner att det är det enda jag vill göra. Svårt det här... verkligen!

Men iallafall.. Detta blir nog mitt sista blogg inlägg i Japan.

Ima made ni, hontou ni.. Arigato.

SKRIVET: 2010-02-03, kl 16:59:40 | PUBLICERAT I: Allmänt


Varför gör jag ALLTID såhär?
Väntar med att göra saker förens i SISTA sekund. Åh!

Jag måste skriva ett avskedstal på Japanska som jag ska hålla i lärarrummet.
... På japanska, har ca. 6 timmar på mig (om jag väljer att inte sova något) ÅH!

SKRIVET: 2010-02-02, kl 18:42:38 | PUBLICERAT I: Allmänt

Ville bara säga..

Att jag Älskar mina föreldrar något så enormt!
Jag säger det inte ofta nog, men jag älskar er verkligen.

SKRIVET: 2010-02-02, kl 15:46:36 | PUBLICERAT I: Allmänt

one more blog

I have one more blogs with my dear friends here in Japan <3

itll prob not be that interesting for anyone that arent our friends though...
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